
Best exercises to kick a soccer ball harder with power- fast result

Kicking a soccer ball harder with power needs physical strength, technique, and regular exercise. You need to focus on certain exercises which will definitely increase your ball hitting power.

Here are the exercises that will eventually let you kick the soccer ball harder.

  • Structural balancing exercise
  • Plyometric exercises
  • Abdominal exercise
  • Hamstring exercise
  • Exercise for knees
  • Exercise for glutes
  • Exercise for hips

We will discuss all in this article and show you the best exercises to get the result faster.

Trying to improve the power of the strike, many soccer coaches today are missing the point by focusing solely on improving technique.

It goes without saying that technique is essential for optimal performance in hitting, but technique has its limitations.

Power is an equally important factor in the ability to hit a good shot. The definition of power is force x distance/time which can be achieved by exercising.

This equation explains why athletes such as weightlifters are able to run faster and jump higher when they become stronger, even if they do not run or jump as part of their training.

So, while technique is essential for a good ball hit, once you have acquired it, you can improve your hitting power in a variety of ways.

Here are the goals you need to achieve through the following exercises to kick a soccer ball hard.

Aim for structural balance in the body

Although the best way to improve the power of the strike is to train the specific muscles used in the shooting, achieving a good structural balance of the body is also important.

Structural imbalances can lead to injuries that will prevent players from participating in games and even training.

An article published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine examined how injuries to soccer players can be prevented.

The study evaluated 180 male soccer players for one year. Researchers concluded that 42% of the injuries encountered were related to factors such as joint instability, muscle tension, inadequate rehabilitation and lack of training.

Such factors are relatively easy to assess through a structural balance assessment.

This is a structural balance test that evaluates the stability of the various joints, including the knee joint, since this athletic quality can affect the biomechanics of the strike.

With such information, a fitness trainer can prescribe the appropriate corrective exercises that will achieve muscle balance and thus increase knee stability.

Talking about fitness training to achieve structural balance in the body, here are some best exercises you can do.

Close grip bench press(medium weight)3*12
Supinated Chin-Ups3*12
Behind the Neck press2*12
Front Foot Elevated Split Squat4*12
Resource- T-nation

Working on the explosive force

Plyometrics is a promising technique for improving soccer ball-striking power.

A study evaluating female soccer players published in 2011 in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that participants whose training included plyometrics were able to hit the ball a significantly longer distance after 14 weeks.

Since weightlifting movements also include elements of plyometrics, weightlifting exercises can therefore be considered beneficial for soccer players.

I strongly recommend that players should learn how to perform these types of exercises from a qualified weightlifting coach.

Front Box Jump3*10
Side Box Jump3*10
Weighted Lateral Jumps(lightweight)3*10

Strengthening the abdominals

The stability of the trunk plays a major role in the production of strength.

Any variation in balance caused by weakness in the abdominal muscles can affect the ability to generate strength.

In addition, an imbalance in abdominal muscle development can also affect the ability to generate strength.


Although from an anatomical point of view, the “lower abdominal muscles” do not really exist.

Excessive development of the portion of the rectus abdominis above the navel (supra-umbilical) by performing a partial range of motion such as Crunches can lead to the excessive forward rotation of the pelvis.

This posture stretches the portion of the rectus abdominis below the navel (sub-umbilical), which reduces the ability of this muscle group to generate strength and contribute to trunk stability.

Research shows that uneven development of the abdominal muscles may be a contributing factor in the increased incidence of sports-related hernias among today’s athletes.

Strengthening these abdominal muscles through a variety of exercises is fundamental to performing powerful shots.

Since in this context the lumbar muscles are also part of the abdominal muscles, they must also be strengthened.

Mountain climber5*1(min)
Hollow body rock3*1(mins)

Working with hamstrings

leg curls

In their efforts to improve striking power, fitness coaches often focus on the quadriceps and neglect the hamstrings. This is a mistake since the hamstrings play a key role in improving stroke control.

Hamstring strengthening does not rely solely on bending the legs, which works the bending of the knees.


The hamstrings are involved in hip flexion, so exercises such as lumbar extensions and ground lifts are very beneficial.

Glute-ham raises give you “even more for your money” since they work the hip extension at the beginning of the movement and the knee flexion at the end of the movement.

Squat(without weight)3*15
Squat(with weight)3*12
Hamstring curls3*12
V shape Sit-ups50(at least)*1
Leg curls(with weight)3*12

Here are some do and don’ts to help you gain ball hitting power

Warming up properly before

Players are often in a hurry to start their game without warming up properly, but neglecting to warm up can lead to injury.

Researchers have indicated that players should avoid hitting the ball without warming up.

Weight training during the competition season

Although soccer players necessarily reduce their workout in the gym during the season, too much reduction in this type of training makes the players weaker and unable to deliver as much power.

For example, in a study conducted with the Norwegian national team over a 12-week season.

Players who trained in the gym once a week were able to maintain the gains in strength and sprint speed they had made in the pre-season.

While players who trained only once every two weeks lost leg strength and sprint speed (study published in 2011 in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research).

Don’t overuse aerobic training

Since aerobic training can compromise strength, and therefore strike power, it should be used with caution.

According to the Conditioning for Sports and General Fitness writers Edward L. Fox and Donald K. Mathews, the contribution of the aerobic energy system is no more than 20% of the total energy required for soccer.

For goalkeepers, who are often required to take long, precise kicks, this contribution is zero.

As a coach, you will draw on your expertise to help soccer players achieve the highest level of performance.

While they must constantly strive to improve their technique, they must also be guided to develop their strength and control.

Hit the sweet spot

While trying to hit the soccer ball hard you need to practice hitting the ball with the instep of your feet. You need to contact the instep part with the belly of the ball.

Practice making the perfect contact with ball first.

Then start hitting the net from a 10 yards distance so that you can feel the power of your shot.

Slowly increase the distance but keep hitting with the same power.

Work on speed and strength

Plyometrics is a very interesting technique to improve these qualities.

-The weightlifting movements will also improve the efficiency of the glutes, hips (in extension), knees and ankles, and the synergy of the muscles of the three ankle-knee-hip joints that require to strike the ball.

-With the same objective of hip extension efficiency, we can also use “kettlebell swing” or “medicine ball throwing” type movements.

Plyometrics and weightlifting movements will also improve the push of the supporting leg during the swing phase and therefore increase the horizontal speed of the player.

We also know the importance of the hamstrings in the hitting movement. It is, therefore, necessary to work them:
-In their efforts to improve the power of the strikes, the physical trainers often concentrate on the quadriceps and neglect the hamstrings.

This is a mistake since the hamstrings play a vital role in improving control of the strike.

Hamstring strengthening is not just about flexing the legs, which works on flexing the knees. The hamstrings are involved in flexing the hip, so exercises such as lumbar extensions and deadlifts are very beneficial.

Wrapping up

So this is it guys. Keep hitting these exercises regularly and measure your improvement of soccer ball hitting power. you will start becoming a nightmare for the goalkeepers pretty soon.


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